Download Game


If you are an PC user, please click `READ ME` if you don't know what to do now.

Game Data (Global)

If you don't have 4.0.1 game data, please download the full version and remember, if you download a file in parts, make sure you download all the parts, don't just do part 1. Currently the private server doesn't support version 4.3.0, so don't use it The version must be 4.0.1 (this is the same as 4.0.0, not 4.1.0) or 4.0.0 or 3.2.0. For voice data, we recommend that you don't need to download it because our server already supports in-game downloads.

Game Data (China)

Same as global.

YuukiPS Launcher

This is a launcher that has been modified to connect to the YuukiPS server, download this if you want to play with us. (Note for Android users, even though this is a Chinese version release the login display will be in Chinese but after you have successfully logged in or logged in -The game will automatically change to English again.)

Cultivation Launcher

This is an alternative launcher that modifies your game client to connect to private servers anywhere and includes localhost support and does a lot of mod-like things.

Engine: LunarCore

YuukiPS Launcher

This is a launcher that has been modified to connect to the YuukiPS server, download this if you want to play with us. (Note for Android users, even though this is a Chinese version release the login display will be in Chinese but after you have successfully logged in or logged in -The game will automatically change to English again.)

  • Package: com.yuuki.sros21
  • MD5: 08E798B59A2564B0E0392243B26B9B47
  • Release: Global
Engine: LunarCore


If you are an iOS or MAC user, please click `READ ME` if you don't know what to do now.

Engine: LunarCore