Welcome to YuukiPS

Welcome to YuukiPS, before connect to our server there are a few things you need to know.

Genshin Impact

  • GIO 3.2.0 Available for PC & Android (0% bug)
  • GC 4.0.0 / 4.0.1 Available for PC,Android,iOS (50% bug)
  • GC 5.0.0 Available for PC,Android (60% bug)

Star Rail

  • LC 2.7.0 Available for PC,Android,iOS

You can download game by clicking link above, there should be a menu for the PC,Android,iOS versions or Access Documentation for a more complete tutorial.


  • All servers are free, if you use this server by paying from someone it means you are being scammed so be careful.
  • Make sure to log in at least once every 1 month, so that your private server account is not deleted from server.
  • Maintaining servers costs a lot of money. If you can afford it, you might consider Sponsoring to keep servers up and everyone will be happy.


What is GC, GIO, LC?

  • GC aka Grasscutters is a program for running a private server for Genshin Impact, developed by GC Community & first created by Melledy. Currently the program is still under development so many functions don't work and as time goes by changes to the anime game start to make it more difficult so updates are slow, which is currently still stuck at version 4.0.0 and the quests are really unstable, but there are many which you can do because commands can be accessed via in-game and there are more command functions than the GIO version.
  • LC aka LunarCore is a program for running a private server for Star Rail, which was developed by same person at GC aka Melledy. currently still in development and there is no quest system at the time of this writing but almost all basic stuff works fine.
  • GIO aka Genshin Impact Offline is a leaked file that was leaked by staff of the anime game company itself which occurred in 2022 when 3.2 had not yet been released, the file was intended to run a private server just like the original because the leaked file was an original file for running the Genshin Impact server and because of the server this is made by them of course all functions are almost 100% working without any problem. It's just that to carry out commands you have to do it via web because in-game chat there are no commands and there are very limited commands that can be used. You can only use the characters available up to version 3.2. This is impossible to update without any more file leaks from anime game company staff. and even though you can do some tricks, it will be worse and unstable because it is not an official file.

Can I be banned from official server?

NO, That will never happen, because private server and official server are not connected to same server. so whatever you do on private server will not have an effect on your data on official server even if you use same user,email,uid. and whatever you do on private server, data cannot be transferred to official server, which is very very impossible.

Find more Q&A here: doc.yuuki.me
